10 Most Inspirational Film Scenes

7. Coach Carter- Our Deepest Fear

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_Cvz_Bfue4 As much as I love seeing Samuel L. Jackson kick some ass, in my opinion Coach Carter is one of his best and most underrated films. So many sports films try and force some mushy inspirational message on us, but few do it as effectively as Coach Carter. This scene where the players continue the lockout of their own accord and Cruz's moving speech being the highlight of an inspirational film which teaches us to always look to better ourselves and be the best that we can be. The message in the speech is a simple one, living life with a positive attitude and being an example to others motivates others to do the same. It's not a message on as grand a scale as say Chariots of Fire, but it's just as poignant of one. It's a more everyday message that's reminiscent of that old saying 'Smile and the world smiles with you'. Coach Carter doesn't drive you to live the dream like Chariots or most other sports films, instead it makes you want to do good on a smaller scale; smile at passers by not scowl, pick someone up when they fall not laugh or help an elderly person with their bags. Coach Carter and this scene in particular inspires us to act with humility and joy, to throw off the apathetic nature of our modern society and strive to make the world a better place, one day at a time.
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