10 Most Inspirational Film Scenes

5. Zulu- Men of Harlech

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfqgsA2McdA This scene has special significance for me, being half Welsh I'm both proud to be Welsh and British. The soldiers singing Men of Harlech in the face of the war cry of the Zulu warriors inspires a deep sense of patriotism within me, not dissimilar to hearing the crowd sing God Save the Queen during the Olympic medal ceremonies these past weeks. This is a great example of where the power of film and the power of song come together to form a truly inspirational moment, though its inspiration is not as global as the rest of this list, its power on those who it is relevant to is particularly potent. To me it is anyway. Cymru am byth!
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Music Editor for What Culture! Follow me on Twitter: @CurtisEvans90