10 Most Intelligent Horror Movie Monsters

5. Xenomorphs - Alien

Wishmaster movie
20th Century Fox

Ian Holm's Ash put it best when describing the Xenomorph as "the perfect organism". With its acid blood, masterful hunting skills, tough endoskeleton, and unmatched ferocity, the hive-minded parasite would be a force to be reckoned with, even if it was as dumb as a post.

However, the Xenomorph is a bit of a brainiac. The aliens adapt to their environment with ease, allowing them to evade capture and lead their victims into traps.

They may not use technology, but have a surprising grasp of the concept. In Aliens, the Queen deliberately cuts the elevator's power to impair Ripley's mission. In Alien: Resurrection, one of the starbeasts recognises a button activates a liquid nitrogen trap, and uses this knowledge to kill a guard.

When confined, the Xenomorphs melt walls with their own blood, emphasising their adaptability. Although they can easily overpower a horde of humans, they rely on hiding and ambushing to maximise the chances of success. When outmatched, they have the common sense to retreat, rather than charging into battles guns blazing.

Although the Xenomorphs seem physically flawless, it's their brilliant mind that makes them dangerous.

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