10 Most Intelligent Horror Movie Monsters

4. The Yautja - Predator

Wishmaster movie

After all these years, the debate on whether the Xenomorphs or the Predators is superior is still going strong. But there's no question that the Predators are the one with the bigger brains. Capable of constructing spacefaring vessels, cloaking devices, and futuristic weaponry, the Yautja species are among the most technologically advanced creatures in the cosmos.

Now, it would be easy for the Predators to rely on gadgets rather than their brains, especially since their bodies are layered in death machinery. But the dreadlocked-sporting warriors prefer to have a more direct approach when pursuing their prey.

Rather than attacking spontaneously, the galactic hunters study their mark from afar. Even though their strength easily surpasses any human, the mandibled beasties never overestimate themselves, waiting hours, even days before striking.

The Predators record human voices and play them back to lure their victims to their demise. In the final battle of the first film, the Predator refuses to walk towards Dutch, knowing he's been led into a trap. This moment proves the aliens are well-versed at reading their environment, as well as their opponent's intentions.

Most importantly, Predators are fully aware that failure is always a possibility. When the space creatures realise they are beaten, they'll activate a bomb, destroying everything nearby, including themselves. It may be a cheap move, but it highlights the Predators have a backup plan if things go south.

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