10 Most Intelligent Horror Movie Monsters

3. The Djinn - Wishmaster

Wishmaster movie

Forget what you heard about genies. In many cultures, these magical spirits having nothing but wicked intentions.

And few genies are as utterly malevolent as Wishmaster's Djinn. Unable to harm or kill anyone directly, the devious wish-granter manipulates his victims to divulge their greatest desires. Because this guy is a real piece of work, he makes sure each wish comes with dire consequences.

No matter how innocent the wish sounds, The Djinn finds a way to warp it into something horrific. When a security guard says he'd like to see The Djinn "go through me", the devilish entity fuses him to stained glass. When a bouncer says he'd love to escape his boring life, The Djinn drops him into a Chinese water torture cell.

But The Djinn isn't just powerful - he's sneaky as hell. By focusing on people's insecurities and bombarding them with questions, he can make anyone reveal their hopes and dreams with ease.

Our heroine, Alexandra, thinks she can outsmart The Djinn by not asking for a wish. It's a clever approach but it doesn't work. When Alexandra refuses to play ball, The Djinn twists the wishes of her friends and family, causing them all to suffer a terrible fate.

Wishmaster may not be a great film, but it's deeply entertaining to watch The Djinn exploits his prey so effortlessly.

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