10 Most Intense Pixar Movie Moments

7. The Toys Cross The Road - Toy Story 2

After Woody is stolen by a selfish toy collector at the start of the movie, Buzz and the gang do their utmost to get their friend back. Their quest includes many obstacles, but their most perilous challenge involves crossing the road to Al’s Toy Barn.

This may seem like a simple task, but due to the constant flow of traffic, there’s a good chance someone will get squashed along the way. So, hoping to avoid this scenario, the gang disguise themselves as traffic cones.

Somehow, the toys manage to make it across unscathed, but there are plenty of close shaves along the way. The fast-moving vehicles only just manage to avoid the toys, often turning away at the last second. And in the midst of all the chaos, Mr. Potato Head has a run-in with some chewing gum and is centimetres away from being crushed by a giant pipe.

Given they were hidden inside a set of traffic cones throughout this scene, the toys aren’t particularly fazed by this deadly crossing. But for the audience, this is the most intense moment in the movie.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.