10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Wars: Original Trilogy

1. Porkins & Biggs Are Shot Down Trying To Keep Their Pals Safe

Star Wars Deaths Original Trilogy

Now for an entry dedicated to the unsung heroes of the Rebel Alliance - those Rebel pilots who aren't the first names on everyone's lips when talking about the good guys and gals of the original trilogy, but who paid the ultimate price when trying to put an end to the Empire.

Said price was often very messed up, too.

Just look at the attack on the Death Star in 1977's Star Wars. This may have been the assault that saw Luke Skywalker save the day and destroy that first space station, but it was one that involved both Jek Porkins and Luke's best mate Biggs Darklighter being cruelly and abruptly shot down, too.

The former meets a nasty end just trying to cover the latter, insisting on doing his duty despite being told to pull up. A few other Rebels also sadly failed to avoid being blasted by TIE fighters during the perilous flight, but it was Biggs' death that really felt like the most brutal of blows.

After finally reconnecting with his mate, Luke is forced to listen to that same friend be blown up by Vader as he tried to keep him safe during the trench run. Because Skywalker hadn't already gone through enough in this movie?!

Elsewhere in the original trilogy, good ol' Dak found himself dealt a pretty barbaric hand in Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, too, being first shot to death in a speeder on Hoth before his corpse was crushed by an AT-AT foot. 

They're just a few examples of brave Rebels being often given a quite disturbing end to their time in the galaxy far, far away.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...