10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Wars: Original Trilogy

2. Darth Vader Snaps A Neck In The Opening Scene - Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

Star Wars Deaths Original Trilogy

George Lucas established that his galaxy far, far away was both an awe-inspiring and terrifying place early. Opening sequence early.

During that iconic 1977 introduction to the Star Wars universe, an absolutely brutal act let viewers know that the big guy dressed in black known as Darth Vader was not to be messed with.

After making his way onto the Tantive IV ship, the Chosen One gripped a poor bloke called Captain Raymus Antilles by the neck. Anyone else in this scenario would likely have given the Sith Lord exactly what he wanted here, fearing the worst should they upset the terrifying cyborg.

Antilles, however, remained loyal to both the Rebel Alliance and Leia Organa, lying to Vader's face (or mask) when asked where the Death Star plans were. Spoilers: it didn't end too well for him.

Hearing the life get squeezed out of Antilles as he tried to convince Vader this was simply a consular ship on a diplomatic mission was already seriously vicious stuff. But things were then taken up an unhinged notch when a frustrated Vader suddenly opted to snap the loyal Rebel's neck and effortlessly chuck him to one side - complete with dreadful sound effect.

Star Wars: a family friendly story full of hope, love, adventure... and neck breaks?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...