10 Most Messed Up Deaths In The Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy

8. Nien Nunb's Lame Lightning Demise - Episode XI - The Rise Of Skywalker

Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker Nien Nunb Death

In the wake of Snoke being split in half in Episode VIII, the position of big bad of the trilogy was now vacant.

Not for long, though, as Emperor Palpatine soon (somehow) returned, revealing that he'd actually been pulling the Snoke strings all this time.

Fast forward to the end of Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, and it was that all-powerful returning Sith Lord's tried and tested lightning that sadly resulted in one of the most unceremonious deaths in the entire saga.

After spending years fighting the good fight for the Rebel Alliance and Resistance, and even helping bring down the second Death Star, you'd think fan-favourite Nien Nunb would have been given a somewhat moving or epic end.

Instead, though, J. J. Abrams decided to simply have the pancake-faced legend just get caught in the middle of Palpatine's lightning storm and blown up inside of the Tantive IV ship. That was it.

His death didn't really add any emotional weight to the underwhelming climactic Battle of Exegol either as it happened too quickly for anyone to really register what had actually gone down.

It's just a throwaway, shocking (in more than one way), and quite disrespectful end for one of the original trilogy's most recognisable alien faces.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...