10 Most Messed Up Deaths In The Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy
7. Poe Disobeys A Direct Order, Gets Many Killed, And The First Order Still Follow The Resistance - Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Before the great Nien Nunb was taken way too soon on Exegol, a number of other brave Resistance fighters were also suddenly killed in action during the opening stages of Episode VIII - The Last Jedi.
These skilled pilots obviously knew the risks before they strapped into their cockpits. However, you could definitely argue that some of them may have lived to see the Resistance ultimately conquer the First Order were it not for one man's stupidity.
Poe Dameron is ordered to leave the First Order's dreadnought alone and join the rest of the Resistance after their successful evacuation of the planet. But did he listen? Not a chance.
Instead, Dameron refused to let the chance to take out the "fleet killer" pass him by, ignoring General Leia Organa's aforementioned order and subsequently causing the deaths of many a pilot.
Sure, they destroyed the dreadnought in the end and bought the Resistance enough time to get away, but that small win cost the good guys a ton of their fighters, bombers, and loyal personnel.
Making that dumb decision even more messed up, the Resistance were then soon found by the First Order thanks to their hyperspace tracking technology.
Had Poe obeyed Leia's order, many of those ships may have still been picked off by the enemy as they slowly chipped away at our heroes. But it's also likely that at least a few more Resistance members would have made it out of The Last Jedi alive if one cocky X-Wing pilot actually listened to his boss.
Nice one, Poe.