10 Most Messed Up Deaths In The Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy
2. Han Solo Is Murdered By Kylo Ren - Episode VII - The Force Awakens
After fighting for years to try and add a little emotional weight to a Star Wars story with his demise, Harrison Ford finally got his Han Solo wish in Episode VII - The Force Awakens... in a rather atrocious way.
Finally coming face-to-mask (and then face) with his baby boy within Starkiller Base, the two Solo men talked about how Snoke was using Ben and would crush him once he got what he wanted.
Right when it appeared that there may have still been some good in the Solo son, though, Kylo Ren suddenly ignited his flickering lightsaber and impaled his stunned father in front of not only his new pals Fin and Rey, but his hairy bestie Chewbacca.
That roar from the broken Wookiee will forever haunt Star Wars fans' minds.
The last thing the iconic smuggler ever saw was his own kid staring a hole through his head after monstrously sticking a lightsaber in him. It doesn't get much more effed up than that.
Sure, he'd eventually return as a vision a few films later and help bring his son back over to the light side, but these were still some rather horrible final moments amongst the living for everyone's favourite rebel dad.