10 Most Messed Up Deaths In The Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy
3. All The People In The Hosnian System - Episode VII - The Force Awakens
The original trilogy's wiping out of Alderaan was an utterly horrifying moment, with millions of innocent people having their lives suddenly taken thanks to the Death Star's planet-killing laser.
The sequel trilogy saw that startling world destruction and decided to multiply it by five.
Unleashing the power of their own terrifying superweapon, The First Order's General Hux commanded Starkiller Base's laser to be fired at all of the worlds within the Hosnian system.
With the rest of the galaxy unable to protect these worlds, including the capital of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime, beautiful but deadly red beams of light shot through space before finally colliding with these planets.
Billions of lives were lost and the New Republic was shattered by just one use of the phantom energy beam.
Those brief moments showing panicking and defenceless civilians on these worlds fearing for their lives as the red light of death broke through the clouds was seriously distressing stuff - even if it wasn't quite as heartbreaking or messed up as watching Leia viewing the destruction of her homeworld in Episode IV - A New Hope.
Still, with one push of a button, The First Order scared the life out of the galaxy as it watched this Hosnian Cataclysm unfold.