10 Most Meta MCU Moments Ever

3. "That Accent Really Comes & Goes, Doesn't It?"

Wanda Prof X

One of the most consistently mocked character traits in the MCU is Wanda Maximoff's accent, which has shifted from thickly Sokovian to basically "generic American" and then partially back again depending on the project.

And so, the WandaVision episode "Previously On" decided to take a surprising shot at this by having Agatha Harkness mockingly mimic Wanda's accent and then say, "Oof! That accent really comes and goes, doesn't it?"

For anyone distracted by Olsen's apparent inability to hold a consistent accent for the character - or Kevin Feige's inability to pick an accent for her - it was certainly cathartic, if also admittedly one of the more meanly meta things the MCU has probably ever done.

Even though WandaVision attempted to half-explain why Wanda's accent shifts around so much, it also wasn't afraid to draw attention to the historic issue at the same time. Kudos.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.