10 Most Mind-Bendingly Confusing Horror Movies

8. Berberian Sound Studio

Eraserhead Woman
Universal Pictures

The Film

Set in the 1970s, Berberian Sound Studio stars Toby Jones as Gilderoy – a mild-mannered British foley artist accustomed to working on nature documentaries and kids’ TV shows who travels to Rome to create sound effects for what turns out to be a giallo horror, much to his alarm.

It’s by no means a traditional horror and if it’s gore you’re looking for, you won’t find it here. In fact, we never get a glimpse of the film within a film that Gilderoy is working on and we only get an inkling of its carnage through the sound effects he creates (most of which are crafted by brutally butchering innocent vegetables) and how disturbed he is by them.

But as Gilderoy becomes more immersed in the movie, the line between reality and fantasy becomes increasingly blurred and we start to question his sanity.

What The Hell It Means

Just as there’s no gore in Berberian Sound Studio, there’s also a notable lack of resolution too and when the finale finally comes you’ll likely be just as confused as poor Gilderoy is as his mind unravels.

Director Peter Strickland himself has insisted the movie should be experienced rather than understood (maybe because he’s just as in the dark as we are as to its meaning), so this arthouse horror is one we’re best left pondering apparently.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.