10 Most Notorious Star Wars Urban Legends

1. Sir Alec Guinness Always Completely Despised Star Wars

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He may be forever remembered as the outstanding thespian who helped turn that first Star Wars movie and the rest of the original trilogy into hugely influential classics, but it's long been said and noted that Sir Alec Guinness always thoroughly despised everything about the galaxy far, far away.

However, this particular urban legend isn't actually completely true... from a certain point of view.

You see, though the icon who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in those first three Star Wars movies regularly let it be known that he wasn't a fan of the dialogue he was forced to utter or the eventual fan devotion he saw as "obsessive", he did also praise that first film once upon a time.

While talking about the 1977 picture on Parkinson decades ago, Guinness again criticised the "ropey" dialogue when talking about first picking up the script. But he also confessed that he "had to go on turning the page" before claiming he liked it, and that the finished movie had "great pace", and was also "wonderful to look at, full of guts, nothing unpleasant."

Sure, he would eventually admit to shriveling inside whenever the film was mentioned to him as the years rolled by and would even go as far as to tell The Guardian, "Apart from the money, I regret having embarked on the film."

But Guinness clearly didn't always feel this way about Star Wars, and even had a few positive things to say about the first film around the time of its release.

So, while the original Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn't a fan of the reaction to the movies, the urban legend of Guinness always hating all things Star Wars isn't entirely true.

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