10 Most Obnoxious Stars In Hollywood

3. Paz De La Huerta

Charlie Countryman Shia LaBeouf

A chronic alcohol abuser, involuntary nudist and occasional actor for whom the phrase 'hot mess' might as well have been invented, Paz De La Huerta is a cautionary tale in today’s Hollywood. Everything in moderation, kids – or you could end up like this.

Allegedly using Jack Nicholson to make her boyfriend jealous; asking a homeless man for money in exchange for a picture; appearing semi-naked in public with utterly monotonous regularity; claiming that the ghost of Elvis Presley had given her an orgasm at Graceland; constantly photographed being turned away from nightclubs and parties for being too wasted; punching and attempting to glass a rival at a shindig in New York; these are the voyages of the starship Paz De La Huerta, a woman never knowingly sober.

Rumour has it that the reason her contract on Boardwalk Empire wasn’t renewed was that she threw a used sanitary product on the floor on set and commanded someone to clean it up. This is aside from her apparently leaking vital plot points from the show to the press and becoming a liability in every significant sense of the word. But that’s Paz: metaphorically speaking, she’s what happens when a train is about to crash, and instead flies off into space to headbutt the moon.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.