10 Most Out-Of-Control Teens In Film

2. Tracy Freeland & Evie Zamora - Thirteen

Thirteen is easily one of the most realistic films on this list, and certainly one of the most engaging. It makes sense that this drama is a semi-biographical film, based on co-writer Nikki Reed's own life at the mere age of 12. Drug and alcohol abuse, underage sexual behavior and self-harm; none of these are off-limit in Catherine Hardwicke's Academy Award-nominated film, and it's a great watch. You can see why it ended up being rather controversial. The film is centred of two teenager girls, with aeforementioned writer Nikki Reed portraying herself, alongside a young but poignant Evan Rachel Wood. Wood's character, who begins as a smart, innocent, well-intended girl falls in with the popular Evie (Reed) and before long, they both get caught up doing dangerous things to impress someone else; Evie strives to impress older guys by commiting sexual acts, drinking, doing drugs, and self-mutilating, while Tracy (Wood) follows suite to keep up.

Joe is a television junkie. A film fanatic. A pop culture know-it-all. An interactive media masters student, and a bass player. 22 years old and Irish. Thinks Netflix is a Godsend.