10 Most Outlandish Terminator Genisys Rumours

2. It's Going To Be Heavy On The CGI

While this might seem obvious, it's been reported that Terminator Genisys will feature more special effects than any previous instalment in the franchise. Much of that CGI has so far been criticised by fans for looking distinctly average in the trailers, but hopefully they'll have got their act together by the time the movie is released because it's said to be almost non-stop action from start to finish, so effects will obviously play a major role in this release. This focus on CGI is in contrast to the past four Terminator movies which more often than not contained as many practical effects as possible. How this will impact Genisys remains to be seen, but those hoping for a scene akin to the viaduct chase in Terminator 2: Judgement Day may end up being sorely disappointed. On the plus side, the rumour mill also indicates that a lot of time has been spent making sure the 3D effects look as good as possible.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.