10 Most Overpowered Movie Characters Ever

1. Luke Skywalker

The Matrix Revolutions

There were a few contenders from Star Wars, with Darth Vader, Yoda and Palpatine being the traditional powerhouses. However, they never felt especially OP, just very strong. In The Last Jedi though, there were a few exceptions to our suspension of disbelief.

The Star Wars universe has always been a little fantastical, which is why Vader et al get a bit of a pass. Prior to the new trilogy, a Star Wars character would likely have made the cut, just not in first place.

However, The Last Jedi shows Princess Leia flying through space, Kylo Ren able to kill Snoke and Luke doing... well, a lot of things. Rey’s various exploits fit in with general Star Wars power, but Luke’s final battle with Kylo Ren pushes him up into the most OP character ever.

The movie ends an epic battle between Kylo & Luke (TLJ was amazingly choreographed), where it’s revealed he’s just a projected hologram of himself. The fact that he’s strong enough to take on someone as skilled as Kylo Ren without being there is definitely stretching believability.

He’s had various moments of extreme strength or plot armour before, but nothing as OP as this, and it ended up killing him. Ironic.

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The Matrix
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)