10 Most Overpowered Movie Characters Ever

2. Neo

The Matrix Revolutions
Warner Bros.

The Matrix is one of sci fi’s most important movies, and could have been even better if the Wachowskis had been allowed to make their original vision; which by the way, did not include the ridiculous ‘humans as batteries’ plot.

Whether going off the Wachowski’s much more intricate script or the still pretty great movie we eventually got, Keanu Reeve’s Neo is a developed, well rounded character with strengths and weaknesses which make him enjoyable to watch and exciting to root for.

The two sequels however decide to abandon all this good work and turn him into Superman. He becomes unstoppable, invulnerable, and unlike most of the OP characters here, absolutely no fun to watch.

Most featured here have even been villains who are eventually overcome, or heroes who spend their time protecting or guiding others far weaker than themselves. Neo though lacks any sort of meaningful flaw to negate the massive stat boost he gets in Reloaded and Revolution.

Even though we pretty much always know the hero will survive, there’s always that suspense that comes from wondering how they’ll get out of this one. Neo robs us of that, and is therefore far too OP.

In this post: 
The Matrix
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)