10 Most Overpowered Movie Characters Ever

4. Predator

The Matrix Revolutions

Where there’s Alien, there’s Predator, and this one just slips in ahead of its traditional foe because of its genre. The creeper/horror vibe of Alien (to a lesser extent, Aliens) fits the Xenomorph’s unstoppable nature, but the more action tones of Predator shows to creature to be hugely OP.

Predators (Yatuja or Hish-Qu-Ten, to give the species their proper names), kill other creatures as trophies for sport. This really is the most terrifying thing about them; it’s all a game. They aren’t defending their homeland, invading to conquer or lashing out from fear, as other animalistic creatures often do in movies. This is fun for them.

It’s their invulnerabilities which make them so OP. Though they can be wounded, they can heal from multiple gunshot wounds and radiation much faster than any human could. Their masks too protect them from any poison attack, while they physically tower over even man-mountains like Schwarzenegger’s Dutch.

Like the Xenomorphs, the only way to defeat them is to outthink them and hope a chink appears in their armour. Dutch covering himself in mud in the first movie is a good example of this, but most people who encounter these creatures don’t live to tell about it.

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The Matrix
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)