10 Most Overpowered Movie Characters Ever

3. T-800

The Matrix Revolutions
TriStar Pictures

The T-800 Terminator is fairly unique on this list, and a rarity in movies generally in that he’s the lead villain of the first movie, but becomes an ally in the second. Though his unstoppable nature makes him a force to be reckoned with in the first outing, it makes him seem far too OP in future appearances.

The T-1000 model played by Robert Patrick in Terminator 2 is more powerful, but this fully fits in with the sequel’s narrative. T-1000 replaces T-800 as the relentless, remorseless machine our heroes are fleeing from.

The T-800 though gets an extra dose of personality to make him well rounded and benefit from Arnie’s charisma, and the added intelligence really tips the scales in his favour.

The more the franchise grew to rely on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s presence, the more powerful T-800 models have become. Despite the talents of Christian Bale, Emilia Clarke and Sam Worthington, the franchise hasn’t really grown from his considerable shadow.

This year’s Terminator: Dark Fate is likely to be a passing of the torch, so hopefully someone can finally take the reigns from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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The Matrix
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)