10 Most Overrated Performances In MCU History (So Far)

9. Benedict Cumberbatch – Stephen Strange

WandaVision Wanda Maximoff Elizabeth Olsen
Sony Pictures Releasing

Doctor Stephen Strange entered the MCU back in 2017 and has been a major player ever since, featuring in five films so far – and only one of them his own!

Pity then that Kevin Feige and co. have cemented Benedict Cumberbatch into the role, even going so far as to dub him "The best, the greatest and the only Doctor Strange”. But he has never quite fully embodied the comic book character of Dr Strange – not in the way that, say, Tom Holland fits Spidey, or Chadwick Boseman T'Challa.

One of the big problems throughout the MCU is that they have never got the the more mystical, spacey costumes quite right. Contrary to the sublime tech and suit design of the Earth-based heroes, these often end up looking gaudy and cheap – like Thor's Warriors Three, or Guardians' Sovereign. Along with the wavering North American accent and the glued-on goatee, this frequently results in the sensation of watching Bandersnatch Cumperdink do a very pricey cosplay.

All of this might be forgivable, however, if the performance was to the point, but Cumberbatch never quite settles into its groove. It is not his acting, per se, that is the issue, so much as the fact that he is terminally miscast in the role of the sorcerer supreme.

His opportunity to play a far darker side of Strange in the upcoming Multiverse Of Madness is promising but, nonetheless, the key issue surrounding his fit for the role still stands.


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