10 Most Painful Looking Deaths In Slasher Movies

8. Through The Iron Bars - Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers (The Producer's Cut)

terrifier art the clown
Dimensions Films

Most horror fans are well aware Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers suffered a chaotic production. After negative test screenings, the sequel went through rigorous reshoots before it was recut. Years later, the original work print, known as The Producer's Cut, was released.

Although this version isn't much better, it is a lot gorier, especially during the climax. After the titular villain goes on a killing spree, an unnamed doctor tries escaping through a tunnel. To the doctor's dismay, he learns the tunnel is sealed off by iron bars. When Michael catches up, he grabs the doctor and slams his face into the metal bars.

At first, it looks like Michael is merely going to smash his victim's head over and over until he dies. Instead, the masked maniac pushes against the poor chap's noggin with such force, it splits his head into three pieces, causing them to pass through the bars before plopping to the ground. Not only is this hands-down the most gruesome death in the film, it stands out since Michael is rarely this creative or visceral while slaying his victims.


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