10 Most Painful Looking Deaths In Slasher Movies

6. Bread Slicer - Fear Street 1994

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More often than not, horror films try to show off as much gore as possible, believing this is the best way to shock viewers. However, showing bloodshed sparingly always leaves a bigger impact.

This is demonstrated beautifully (or grossly) in Fear Street 1994. The first chapter of RL Stine's Netflix trilogy centres around the residents of Shadyside being tormented by a supernatural killer. Even though you see teenagers getting killed from the beginning, the murders are not particularly bloody. But after watching tame violence for 80% of the runtime, viewers are completely unprepared when one of the main characters, Kate, is killed off in such a visceral manner.

While fighting one of the Shadyside killers, Kate is hurled on a table beside an operational breadslicer. As the killer pushes her through the machine, you assume the camera will cut away, since we haven't seen anything gruesome up until this point.

Instead, we watch Kate's entire head being skewered, while a fountain of blood erupts across the confectionary. Not only did we not see Kate's death coming at all, it was genuinely horrifying to watch her go out in such a grisly manner.


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