10 Most Paused James Bond Moments
7. Depressurisation Chamber - Licence To Kill
The Bond franchise is known for its cool cars, awesome gadgets, and its luxurious locations. But one thing that has never been synonymous with the series is gore. Even though violence is a package deal in Bond, it's usually not very brutal or bloody.
Having said that, the violence is so extreme in Licence to Kill, it's quite jarring compared to the other movies. Although we see villains being devoured by sharks and crushed in grinders, the moment that viewers remember most is when the criminal, Milton Krest, meets his end.
After the drug lord, Franz Sanchez, erroneously believes Krest has been stealing his money, Sanchez chucks him into a depressurisation chamber. As Sanchez lowers the pressure, Krest starts screaming at the top of his lungs. When the pressure is at its lowest, Sanchez cuts open the chamber's pipe, causing the pressure to return to normal.
However, the pressure rises so quickly, it causes Krest to inflate until he implodes, smearing his innards all over the glass. You only see Krest's head inflate for a second but it was enough to scar younger viewers for at least a couple of years.