10 Most Paused MonsterVerse Moments

8. Marlow's Jacket

Godzilla 2014

Perhaps the biggest criticism of all four MonsterVerse movies, is that while the monsters are awesome, the human characters are extremely unentertaining. And while that’s true for the most part, there are couple of exceptions.

One such case is Kong: Skull Island’s Hank Marlow, played by the ever-charming John C. Reilly. He’s easily the most likeable and interesting character in the whole movie, but there’s another reason why he is so popular.

When paused at the right moment, fans noticed a phrase written on the back of Marlow’s jacket that reads: "Good For Your Health". This is a reference to the 1988 anime film Akira, where the character Kaneda also wears a leather jacket with the words: "Good for Health Bad for Education" printed on the back.

Skull Island director Jordan Vogt Roberts is a self-confessed anime fan and confirmed that this was just one of many easter-eggs to other anime stories and video games that he loves.

Curiously, the phrase also works as a reference to another legendary John C. Reilly character: Dr. Steve Brule, from Tim And Eric Awesome Show, whose catchphrase was: “For your health!”


22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.