10 Most Punchable Faces In Hollywood

1. Adam Sandler

adamsandler Adam Sandler is now a byword for bad movie (€œthat movie was Adam Sandler€). He is anti-comedy in a way Andy Kaufman wishes he could€™ve been. Unlike some of the other actors on this list, Sandler has never done a good movie. What about Punch Drunk Love? you say. Nope. It gets singled out because Sandler isn€™t being Sandler, because Sandler is so obnoxious, and that€™s enough to win him enough plaudits to make people think PDL is a good movie - but it€™s not. Every single movie is a reason why Adam Sandler should repeatedly be punched in the face, all day every day, if he didn€™t already look like he€™s taken several severe blows to the face already. Some people will concede Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison as €œgood movies€ because they saw them when they were 12 and nostalgia refuses to let them see them for what they really are: retarded films by a retarded actor. Sandler makes movies like some people go through divorce €“ with a bad attitude and a bitterness toward the other person that makes you produce mean-spirited, formless bile. There€™s a lot of meaningless shouting and feelings that are trampled on with no regard. And in nearly every terrible film, his annoying, unfunny friends turn up: the zookeeper, the former child star, the male gigolo, etc. so you get multiple things to hate onscreen at once. The movies speak for themselves (often in that stupid baby voice of his) €“ That€™s My Boy, Jack and Jill, The Zookeeper, Grown Ups, Click, Zohan, Just Go With It €“ all of which are the reason people hate Hollywood movies. Brainless, stupid €œentertainment€ for the braying masses, slapping their butter popcorn-soaked hooves together as Adam Sandler shuffles along in drag, talking moronically, and making jokes against gay people, foreign people, fat people, anybody different from his definition of normal, all while trying to make us believe that the numerous beautiful women who play his on-screen wives would actually give a damn about this boring, juvenile clown. In short, everything about Adam Sandler should make you want to punch Adam Sandler, including the fact that Grown Ups 2 is out now. The day Adam Sandler stops making movies, the day the terrorists lose. Let€™s all just agree to stop going to watch them, shall we? For the good of humanity! * That€™s the list, did I leave out your favourite actor-to-hate? Let me know in the comments!

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