10 Most Punchable Faces In Hollywood

2. Jaden Smith

jaden smith Jaden hasn€™t had the longest career (he€™s 15) which makes his unpopularity with the general public such an accomplishment. In just a handful of crappy films he€™s managed to foster no goodwill and somehow make people hate a spoilt, rich kid (the kind of kid everyone always loves!). He wasn€™t expected to be interesting in his dad€™s dull film The Pursuit of Happyness and he fulfilled that expectation perfectly. He was the obnoxious son of Jennifer Connelly in 2008€™s The Day the Earth Stood Still and was the ridiculously named Dre Parker in 2010€™s The Karate Kid where he played a weeny who kicks other kids. Stupidly named characters are something of a trend for Jaden who played Kitai Raige in After Earth, widely panned as one of 2013€™s worst films, and an absolute snoozer of a flick as Jaden runs away from CGI monsters in a one-sie, utilising his single acting expression €“ confusion. He hasn€™t helped his reputation by dating a Kardashian, a family most people view as puerile trash at best, nor by recording a string of lazy, badly written, uninspired €œrap€ (sample lyrics from his song €œHello€: €œHuh, Hello / Eh, hello / How you doing there? Hello, / Like hello, / Like hello / My name is Jaden and I am a young fellow / I like to keep it mellow€). That and his arrogant personality which is born out of being raised in a super-privileged family don€™t endear him to most people. What would make people like him would be if he were to quit acting, finish school, and disappear gracefully. (You might think it€™s wrong of me to omit women from this list but that I€™d be ok with hitting a 15 year old €“ of course I€™d get another 15 year old to punch Jaden rather than do it myself. I€™d talk him through it like Will does to Jaden in After Earth).

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