10 Most Punchable Faces In Hollywood

6. Robert Pattinson

robert pattinson swine flu This dude might one day make a movie that tops Schindler€™s List, Citizen Kane and The Godfather combined, and I would still hate him for those stinking Twilight movies. This guy is single-handedly responsible for one of the stupidest cultural crazes of recent years, Twilight fandom. A craze where females between 5 and 95 years old screech and cry and obsess over this weird-looking hairpiece attached to a mannequin, giving him one of the most annoying nicknames of all time €“ R-Patz €“ and making him, and most people associated with Twilight, millions. Screen Junkies call Robert €œShovelface€ which is a brilliant name to call him as 1) he does look like a shovel has hit him in the face and 2) you want to see him get continually hit in the face with said shovel. To be fair, his performance in the first Twilight movie is one of the funniest in the history of cinema €“ look at him intensely stare at Boring Female Heroine in class! €“ but while Twilight is done (for now €“ wait a few years until the reboot), Shovelface will probably keep making movies for many years to come. Did we really need to see him get close to greasy Reese Witherspoon in that elephant movie? Expect more of that kind of garbage in the near future.

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