10 Most Punchable Faces In Hollywood

5. James Franco

james franco There was a time in the early €˜00s when James Franco could€™ve been a great movie star. He was a great on Freaks and Geeks and had some fine performances like in the James Dean movie, and he wasn€™t bad in Spider-man. But after a few years of forgettable films (Tristan + Isolde? Flyboys?) and 2 more Spider-man films, Franco found his niche as an annoying actor. To be fair, Pineapple Express is really fun but he took the goodwill from that film and made the execrable Your Highness, a movie that inexplicably cost $50 million and looked like it was made for less than half that. He€™s continued trying to be funny by making fun of himself €“ a quality that is usually a good thing to have but seems douche-y when Franco does it. Maybe because he€™s made fun of himself too much, it isn€™t funny anymore? Was anyone laughing when he hosted the Oscars, or when he played €œhimself€ in This Is The End? It€™s too much, and just this week it was announced he€™s going to be roasted too! €œI€™m James Franco, I€™m handsome, rich and successful, hahahaha!€. We also found out he€™s a flatliner when it comes to lead roles. Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a good movie but Franco made no impression on that movie €“ the way he played his role could€™ve literally been played by anyone. Sam Raimi€™s big budget Wizard of Oz prequel earlier this year also fizzled out as Franco gave the role his usual €œmeh€ performance stamp. He recently published a book of short stories called €œPalo Alto€ (which he€™s now threatening to film) which was filled with horribly bland writing and boring stories. Franco is getting a Masters in literature and because he writes and is famous was able to get this amateurish work published despite reading exactly like what it is, the work of a creative writing student (which, of course every real writer requires - a degree in creative writing). He€™s continued this literary theme in his acting, playing Allen Ginsberg in 2010€™s Howl, Hart Crane in 2011€™s The Broken Tower, and recently directed an adaptation of William Faulkner€™s Nobel Prize winning novel As I Lay Dying. I haven€™t seen the latter but I€™m sure it€™s as crappy as the other two are. Look at what he€™s brought into this world and then look at that smug face €“ who€™s with me?

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