10 Most Punchable Faces In Hollywood

4. Shia LaBeouf

shia From 2003€™s Holes (where someone on the film, maybe the director called him €œthe next Tom Hanks!€) to his third and final Transformers movie, I€™ve never understood Shia LaBeouf€™s appeal. He€™s one of these overly chatty, way too energetic guys whose overconfidence and brash behaviour is mistaken from personality and charm. He was definitely one of the most needless elements in an otherwise admittedly poor movie, Constantine, and his painfully uncool tache/€beard€ combo in 2008€™s Eagle Eye was the most memorable thing about his performance in that film. But despite a decent turn in 2006€™s A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, he€™ll be remembered for the shockingly poor movies Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls and Transformers 1, 2, and 3. Shia unconvincingly plays a 50s tough called Mutt in Indiana Jones 4 despite looking like the weedy nerd he is, and then unconvincingly pretended to be Megan Fox€™s beau in Transformers (though it later turned out that she did sleep with him for a while €“ out of pity or not it€™s hard to tell). Shia€™s most memorable on-screen romance though was with a giant truck called Optimus Prime whose named he squealed in every Transformers movie. He€™s since retired from big budget movies to act in a series of forgettable and pretentious art house flicks (showing his wee-wee in one €“ what an artist) and produced one of the most pitiful (and overpriced) indie comics ever. He€™s a loud, annoying dork who makes terrible movies and needs to go away now. €œOPTIMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSS!€

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