10 Most Punchable Faces In Hollywood

3. Will Smith

will smith men in black The Fresh Prince was once cool, sometime in the 90s, to kids under 14, but really he€™s never been as cool as he€™d like to think. He€™s an enjoyable enough actor when playing the cool competent guy €“ which is nearly every role he€™s in €“ but lately Big Willy has been flagging. I say lately, but it€™s really been well over a decade since Will actually made a good movie, the last being 2001€™s Ali. Since then we€™ve had 2 Men in Black movies (both sucked), a Bad Boys sequel (which was a Michael Bay movie €“ the worst kind of insult you can give a film), Hitch, I Robot, Seven Pounds, I Am Legend and Hancock. The last 2 should€™ve been great €“ a Richard Matheson post-apocalyptic vampire movie? The book is great, the film is not €“ and Hancock should€™ve been way more funny and interesting than it was, based upon the awesome premise. Will has focused on his family in recent years, taking a break between 2008 and 2012 to look after his kids. Awww! Except looking after his kids means trying to turn them into music and movie stars despite not hitting puberty yet. Yup, Will turned into Joe Jackson, letting everyone know his kids are super-talented like he is, putting his son Jaden into movies like The Karate Kid and signing his daughter Willow to Jay-Z€™s label to €œsing€ songs she €œwrote€ like €œWhip My Hair€. Willow has seemingly escaped her dad€™s will to turn her into something she€™s not ready for but Jaden unfortunately has been swept up in Hurricane Will, starring alongside his dad in this year€™s poorly received sci-fi adventure €œAfter Earth€. Watching Will shill for After Earth was painful €“ it was clearly a badly conceived star vehicle for him and his son but Will tried to make it seem like it was an inspired artistic achievement instead of the piece of crap it so clearly was. Will€™s patented clean rap always made sure he would never be cool to most music fans who (rightfully) viewed it as lame and kind of pathetic, though recently he€™s claimed Kanye has been trying to get him back in the studio €“ presumably to record more rap €“ but who wouldn€™t deride a new Will Smith record these days? It€™d hardly be the move that turns his career around. Will€™s poor film choices over the last 10 years coupled with rumours he was giving money to Scientology and forcing his children upon the general public all contributed to his current position which is of a once well-liked actor now on the downslope of his career and becoming increasingly crazy. What€™s next for Will? Who cares, just get him out of my face! And speaking of his kids€

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