10 Most Remarkable Sci-Fi Movie Opening Scenes

4. Cafe Explosion - Children Of Men

The Matrix opening scene Trinity
Universal Pictures

Bleak and oppressive in tone, Children of Men is the ultimate in science fiction dystopia, laying out a premise in its opening moments where children have stopped being born and the youngest person on earth - a wholesome 18 - has just died.

When the film begins, we're faced with a cafe of desperate onlookers as they watch the news on a small television, transfixed by a moment of lost hope as humanity seems to be on its way out. Not good, but protagonist Theo bustles his way through as coffee is still his top priority. Understandable, to be honest.

That's all rendered unimportant mere seconds later, however, when we start to see this new environment replete with massive televisions and hexagonal windows, and that particular grimy London vibe that's unavoidable even decades into the future. Whilst we're distracted taking in the new scenery, the cafe explodes behind Theo, and all chaos breaks loose before cutting to the title card.

It's a ballsy move, especially shifting from dead bodies and a wandering woman holding her blown off arm straight into a black screen - but one that will stick with you long after watching.

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The Matrix
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.