10 Most Rewatchable Movies Of The Last 10 Years

1. The Avengers

Mad max Fury Road Tom Hardy
Marvel Studios

A lot of MCU movies could have made this list. The hilarious Thor: Ragnarok, the light-hearted Spider-man: Homecoming, the MCU launching Iron Man, the dramatic Winter Soldier and even the brand new and devastatingly incredible Avengers: Infinity War. The original Avengers film, however, takes the cake as the most rewatchable superhero flick of the past decade.

It’s every major MCU hero introduced by that point in the MCU brought together for the first time on screen. You might expect that would make it a more challenging and complicated watch. Instead, the large and excellent ensemble cast keeps things constantly moving and interesting from start to finish. It’s the perfect mix of easy watching and engaging that even the arguably superior Infinity War forfeits for its more serious tone.

The Avengers also doesn’t demand too much going in, it efficiently and expertly introduces us to our characters one by one, nailing everything we need to know about them before getting down to the meat of the movie.

Throw in a ton of quippy Whedonisms and a great villain performance by Tom Hiddleston and you’ve got the full ingredients for one of the best, and by far the most rewatchable, films in the entire of the MCU.

What do you think are the most rewatchable movies of the last ten years? Let us know down in the comments.

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Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...