10 Most Ridiculous Halloween Horror Movies

7. Thankskilling

Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Warner Brothers

If a film ever made a case for being so bad it's good, it's this one. Thankskilling isn't a movie to sit down and watch seriously, but if you're looking for something to laugh along at with your friends and crack a few jokes, it fits the bill.

Made on a budget of a measly $3500, everyone involved had the intentions of making a bad movie, and they succeeded. It follows a homicidal turkey that goes on a killing spree during Thanksgiving. Is there anything else to say about the film?

The film is packed with foul (fowl?) language, gratuitous nudity, and exaggerated horror character caricatures. It amplifies every horror cliché and puts them on full blast, making them the focal point. The turkey puppet is deliberately hokey, and is vulgar from the outset. The characters are simply fodder for the turkey, and there's no real plot.

If it sounds like your thing, then you're in luck because there's even a couple sequels to sink your teeth in to.


Craig Pollock hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.