10 Most Ridiculous Horror Movie Plot Twists

1. Saw 3D (2010) - Gordon Was An Apprentice

Saw 3D Cary Elwes Gordon

Let’s be honest, the entire Saw franchise could have its own list of insane nonsensical twists, but the climax of Saw 3D is a confusing cacophony of straws that are being desperately grasped at in an attempt to deliver yet another signature Saw twist.

Detective Mark Hoffman, now the series’... protagonist? Antagonist? You know, it’s not really clear who we’re supposed to be rooting for here. Anyway, Hoffman abducts a self-help guru, Bobby Dagen, who has falsely claimed that he survived one of Jigsaw’s traps. Bobby is placed in an abandoned insane asylum where he is instructed that he must navigate a series of torturous tests in order to save his wife - pretty standard Saw stuff.

Bobby progresses through the challenges, all the while the police and Jill Tuck (Jigsaw’s ex-wife) conspire to incriminate Hoffman. Reaching his final task, ironically the one which Bobby had alleged he survived, the guru fails, getting himself and his wife killed in the process.

Outside of the asylum, in a shockingly brute-force scene, Hoffman enters the police station, killing everyone in his path, including Jill. But don’t you worry, Hoffman gets what is coming to him in perhaps the most shoe-horned twist of horror movie history: Dr Lawrence Gordan, the guy who cut off his foot all the way back in the first Saw movie, is now working as Jigsaw’s posthumous protégé seven films later.

Dr Gordan makes this reveal in a needlessly theatrical scene before trapping Hoffman in the very bathroom where he was once forced to cut off his foot .It all plays as ridiculous, even for Saw’s standards.


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Dan is a writer and actor originally from South Australia who now lives in a constant state of anxiety... and Los Angeles. Whether writing about movies, watching movies, or binging the Great British Bake-off, Dan approaches any endeavour with a steely resolve which is rivalled only by his ability to lie about his strengths. For professional inquiries, call Melissa Cropley - Dan's mum; she wishes he would call more often and you'd really be doing him a favour.