10 Most Ridiculous James Bond Villain Schemes

8. Why Not Just Buy A Mine Sweeper? - Die Another Day

The Plot: Unite North and South Korea under the North's control by using a laser in space to wipe out a deadly minefield keeping them apart. Pierce Brosnan's swansong to the Bond franchise is as uneven as it gets, from a cast that brings together John Cleese, Madonna and Michael Madsen to a far-fetched plot involving an off-the-wall North Korean villain who has a 'gene therapy' DNA transplant to disguise himself as playboy Brit Gustav Graves. It all begs the question: why bother going to those lengths of concealment only to blow your own cover by making grand entrances by parachute and residing in an ice palace? The whole idea of a military man going to such extreme lengths to take out a minefield is almost insultingly ridiculous. Surely a battle-hardened warmonger could find a more direct path through a fairly standard defence. Or a mine detector. There's also an invisible car and some dodgy CGI to further derail anything resembling conventional logic a chance to shine through in Die Another Day €“ a film so dodgy that even Roger Moore went on record saying that the film was too ludicrous for his tastes. And that's from the man who took Bond into space.
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Despite a fear of using plastic cutlery and drinking overly milky brews, Dave is open to indulging in most other things at least once especially when it comes to movies and music.   10 of his favourite films are: Masaki Kobayashi's Hara-Kiri, Ingmar Bergman's Persona, Martin Brest's Midnight Run, Lawrence Kasdan's The Big Chill, Vittorio De Sica's Bicycle Thieves, Peter Medak's The Ruling Class, H.G. Clouzot's Les Diaboliques, Hector Babenco's Kiss of the Spider Woman, Fritz Lang's The Testament of Dr. Mabuse and Sidney Lumet's Network.