10 Most Ridiculous James Bond Villain Schemes

7. Idiot Imagines Water Is Nuclear Fallout Proof - The Spy Who Loved Me

The Plan: Lure the Americans, British and Russians into nuclear war using stolen submarines and rebuild life under the sea in a private kingdom while all life on land perishes. Much like Captain Nemo (or Birdseye for that matter), Karl Stromberg (Curd Jürgens) prefers the surf to the turf €“ that much is evident when the megalomaniac reveals his plans to destroy all life on land and rebuild his own civilisation under the sea (called Atlantis). Hang on a minute, there's something fishy about this€ If one was to cause a nuclear apocalypse it would mean that the fallout would contaminate not just the land but all of the sea life and water as well. Good job Bond is at hand to catch him while he's eating his dinner and shoot him under the table.
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Despite a fear of using plastic cutlery and drinking overly milky brews, Dave is open to indulging in most other things at least once especially when it comes to movies and music.   10 of his favourite films are: Masaki Kobayashi's Hara-Kiri, Ingmar Bergman's Persona, Martin Brest's Midnight Run, Lawrence Kasdan's The Big Chill, Vittorio De Sica's Bicycle Thieves, Peter Medak's The Ruling Class, H.G. Clouzot's Les Diaboliques, Hector Babenco's Kiss of the Spider Woman, Fritz Lang's The Testament of Dr. Mabuse and Sidney Lumet's Network.