10 Most Ridiculous Moments In Spider-Man Movies

8. Construction Workers Of New York Unite (The Amazing Spider-Man)

Spider Man Dancing

Now the scenes in Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 where the city rallied behind the wall crawler were silly but the sentiment made sense. In the wake of 9/11, seeing New York's citizens uniting behind a hero was an uplifting way of showing the city's spirit hadn't been broken. But by the time The Amazing Spider-Man came around, not only had that moment long passed but they doubled down on the cheese by making their support far more elaborate.

In the first two films, the citizens' help was fairly minimal; they chucked garbage at Green Goblin or stood in Doctor Octopus' way. But here, it's so specific and contrived that it required set-up in a previous sequence. Spidey needs a straight shot to Oscorp Tower so he can stop the Lizard's gas from spreading, but with an injured leg he can't make it in time.

Thankfully, though, a construction worker whose son Spidey saved earlier rallies his builder buddies to realign their cranes so Spidey can use them to build up momentum and swing his way to Oscorp in time.

Now the swinging sequence itself is cool and it's nice to see physics play into it, but everything needed to get us to that point is completely facepalm-worthy. The fact that the worker HAPPENED to see this, just so HAPPENS to work at a construction site near Oscorp, also HAPPENS to have contacts at all the other sites in the exact same area, and that all of them HAPPEN to have cranes perfectly placed to make this possible.

The Amazing Spider-Man movies are built on a lot of coincidences, but this one really takes the cake.

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Aspiring screenwriter, film critic, pop culture fanatic and perpetual dreamer. May contain nuts.