10 Most Ridiculous Moments In Spider-Man Movies

7. Harry's Amnesia (Spider-Man 3)

Spider Man Dancing

If the Raindrops sequence didn't make this series look enough like a bad TV show, how about a plot point straight out of a soap opera? After a thrilling battle with Peter, Harry Osborn ends up getting injured and develops amnesia, forgetting about everything that happened in the series so far and so now him and Peter can be friends again.


Now the purpose of all this is clear: they needed Harry out of action for a while, because otherwise what's stopping him from going after Peter immediately afterwards? But there are other ways of doing that without resorting to amnesia. What if Harry just broke his leg or something?

That would keep him from attacking Peter whilst he deals with the rest of the plot, and it adds a ticking clock to the story; he will eventually heal, and that gives Peter only a finite amount of time before his friend will try to kill him again. And don't say that the Goblin formula would protect him from broken bones; it didn't prevent him from whacking his head so hard that he forgot his best friend is a superhero and his father was a supervillain.

Even worse, Harry breaks out of his amnesia just as suddenly as he gains it. Out of nowhere, Norman Osborn's voice just starts speaking to him and now Harry remembers everything! It's like the movie literally went, "Well, that plot point has served its purpose. Let's drop it now!" It's not only a ridiculous bit of writing, but it's lazy too.

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Aspiring screenwriter, film critic, pop culture fanatic and perpetual dreamer. May contain nuts.