10 Most Ridiculous Stunts In Fast And The Furious Movies
7. Over The Edge (Furious 7)
This stunt from Furious 7 might not be the most climactic, explosive, or even big, but it’s still an act of farcical genius that finds it popping up on this list.
Brian is aboard the bad guy’s speeding coach as it crashes on to its side and slides towards a cliff edge. We’re treated to an Italian Job moment as the bus grinds to a halt, dangling over the precipice of the huge drop. Brian climbs out and over the vehicle, just as it begins to tip over into the abyss below. He runs across the top, in a desperate bid to outrun the falling vehicle. But he’s not going to make it.
That is, until Letty suddenly appears, sending her car into a drift across the edge of the cliff. Brian makes a leap of faith off the tumbling coach and manages to grab hold of her car, thanks to a conveniently installed rear spoiler.
Impressively, this stunt was performed for real, without the aid of CGI trickery - all it took were some well-placed wires and a stuntman with the brass to pull it off.