10 Most Ridiculous Villains In Recent Horror Movies

7. A Leech - Mind Leech

The Mean One Poster
Chris Cheeseman

At first glance, you might think that the title of 2023 movie Mind Leech hides a deeper meaning, maybe one about modern technology depriving the human race of intelligence or how the government is secretly stealing everyone’s free will. 

In reality, it’s none of those things. It’s literally about a leech. 

The film, which carries the brilliant subtitle of “sucks to be you”, kicks off when a mysterious substance is dumped into a lake near a snowy town. This results in a leech living in the lake mutating and developing a thirst for blood. Well, it already had a thirst for blood - that’s kind of how leeches work - but you get the idea. 

After escaping its watery confines, the leech attaches itself to a human host and, through its mutant powers, is able to control it. While you could argue that it’s actually the person doing all the bad stuff, the leech is the one calling the shots, so the buck has to stop at its door. 

Despite this bonkers premise, Mind Leech got some decent reviews, particularly for its well-constructed violence and the genuine creepiness of its antagonist. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.