10 Most Ridiculous Villains In Recent Horror Movies

6. Murderous Butchers - Some Like It Rare

The Mean One Poster
Apollo Films

In recent years, veganism has become a hot topic of discussion as people go back and forth on the merits of a plant-based diet. As a result, the lifestyle has found its way into horror, including this French film from 2021, where vegans end up becoming the one thing they are the most opposed to.

Some Like it Rare opens on a married couple who are struggling to maintain their independent butcher shop and, as a result, their relationship. After a group of animal rights activists trash their store one day, they seek revenge and accidentally end up killing one of them. Then, they get an idea - a really, really awful idea. 

The couple, Stéphanie and Marc, chop their poor victim up and start to sell his meat as “pork”. This leads to an uptake in sales, so the newly-christened killers must continue to find a supply of vegans to keep this success going. 

A modern take on Sweeney Todd with a strain of social commentary running underneath it, Some Like it Rare is smart, compelling, and deeply upsetting. Just be prepared for it to put you off meat for life. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.