10 Most Ridiculous Villains In Recent Horror Movies

5. The Grinch - The Mean One

The Mean One Poster
Atlas Film Distribution

David Howard Thornton has found great success in recent years playing Art the Clown, the face-eating villain of the Terrifer series. In 2022, he took on a new role, following in the footsteps of Boris Karloff, Jim Carrey, and Benedict Cumberbatch in playing The Grinch.

Well, sort of. 

The Mean One is a horror remake of the classic Dr. Seuss Christmas story where, insead of stealing presents and trees, the fluffy green menace is a sadistic murderer who kills people every Christmas Eve. It’s up to Cindy You-Know-Who to avenge the death of her parents and put a stop to this yuletide massacre. 

Though never referred to as “The Grinch” (probably for legal reasons), the creature at the heart of The Mean One is 100% based on Seuss’ creation. The town the action is set in is called Newville instead of Whoville, there’s an actual character called Doc Zeuss, and the monster is defeated when its heart grows three sizes, causing him to explode. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.