10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Montages In Movie History

5. Montage - Team America: World Police

Montage Type: Training "Montage," one of several wonderful songs from Trey Parker and Matt Stone's hilarious Team America: World Police, almost didn't make this list, because - unlike the other entries - it was purposely satirical, and I was opting a different kind of montage. But then I realised that it was both ridiculous and awesome, and for that reason it deserved its place. Originally a variation of this now infamous show-tune was featured in an episode of South Park, but Parker obviously realised that the song was too good to waste, and into the movie it went. It would be easy to write this off as just another funny song, but it's a surprisingly in-depth and brilliantly acute parody of everything that a montage has come to symbolise. The little touches - lyrics such as "Always fade out in a montage/If you fade out it seems like more time has passed in a montage" and "Show lots of things happening at once/Remind everyone of what's going on" - seem like obvious observations, but coupled with the rhythm and visuals, "Montage" emerges as one of the best song parodies ever written. It's a minor masterpiece.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.