10 Most Satisfying Disney Villains Deaths Of All Time

8. Syndrome - The Incredibles

Ursula Death The Little Mermaid

Syndrome's demise is enjoyable because of how neatly it pays off one of the film’s best gags. Earlier on, superhero costume designer Edna Mode advises Mr Incredible against utilising a cape, due to their propensity for getting stuck on or sucked into stuff.

This comes back around in the finale when the baddie gets sucked into the engine of a plane due to his unfortunate fashion choices. It’s pretty gruesome, but nicely plotted, too. Syndrome is actually a relatively relatable villain. A superhero fan cast aside by Mr Incredible in the intro, a lifetime of rejection and failure has rendered him bitter and unstable. He’s now in the business of murdering superheroes, which we can’t condone, but he’s given far more understandable a backstory than a lot of Disney’s wrong’uns.

The Incredibles is really a family film in the guise of a superhero spoof, so the action and the peril take second billing to the warmth and laughs, but the neatness with which the threat is ultimately dispatched is indicative of one of the tightest scripts the company has ever had.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)