10 Most Satisfying Disney Villains Deaths Of All Time

7. Oogie Boogie - The Nightmare Before Christmas

Ursula Death The Little Mermaid
Touchstone Pictures

A Nightmare Before Christmas provides spooks and scares just on the right side of child-friendly, and perhaps its most disgustingly inventive creation is baddie Oogie Boogie.

Generally screenwriting rules would dictate that you give your villain some kind of motivation for their acts of evil. They don’t really bother doing that with Oogie Boogie, instead introducing him with a musical number in which he reveals that, basically, he’s just a nasty bloke. And it doesn’t get much nastier than murdering Santa Claus. After a jazzy number in which Oogie shows off his fiendish traps (based in, for some reason, a casino), it’s a rewarding climax to see hero Jack unravel the villain’s burlap sack skin, to reveal that he is, in fact, full of bugs. It makes sense in the film.

The holiday classic is one of the most visually distinct in Disney’s catalogue, its brilliantly designed villain dripping menace. The fact that Santa himself stomps on what seems to be the lead bug after Oogie’s unravelling makes the moment all the sweeter.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)