10 Most Satisfying Disney Villains Deaths Of All Time

6. Shan Yu - Mulan

Ursula Death The Little Mermaid

A vicious, warmongering Hun, Shan Yu provides a surprisingly adult antagonist in the often underrated Mulan. A proficient killer, he is engaged in war with China, and proudly leads an all conquering army. Simple battlefield combat isn’t enough for Shan Yu, however, as he cheerfully murders folk for the sheer kicks.

Mulan’s titular hero, a young girl, is ill-equipped to go into battle with this brute, but the film is, as Disney movies often are, all about overcoming crazy odds and the importance of heart and spirit and all that good stuff. Luring him to the rooftops, she fights him one on one and has the veteran soldier at her mercy. Of course, Disney don’t want to show their hero stabbing an unarmed man to death, so they go for the spectacular: Mushu the sassy dragon shoots a firework at the villain, blowing him to bits and saving the day.

One of Disney’s more action packed pictures, Mulan’s finale is appropriately brash and explosive (literally). Shan Yu is quite scarily designed and a nasty piece of work, so it’s a thrill to see Mulan overcoming the odds, even if she does resort to heavy artillery.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)