10 Most Satisfying Harry Potter Movie Moments
6. Dudley Falls Into The Snake Den (The Philosopher’s Stone)
At the start of The Philosopher’s Stone, we’re introduced to the Dursleys: Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and their spoiled son Dudley. For Dudley’s birthday, they head off to the zoo, and Harry tags along with them.
When the group arrive at the reptile house, Dudley moans about the boa constrictor’s inactivity and waddles off to look at something else. Harry, meanwhile, strikes up a conversation with the snake using Parseltongue. Dudley then barges his cousin aside and pushes his face against the glass. Angered by Dudley’s bullying behaviour, Harry uses his powers to make the glass disappear, forcing Dudley to fall into the snake den.
Whilst the cousins’ rivalry is given more time in the original novel, watching Dudley’s accident is still wonderfully entertaining. In fact, this moment is actually better in the film, as Dudley finds himself trapped behind the glass while Harry laughs at the whole situation. Dudley’s whimpering sobs at the start of the next scene are a nice touch, too.